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Moving Day Essentials

In all the planning, packing, and craziness that comes with moving days, it’s easy to forget a few small but essential items. Toilet paper, for example. Or a corkscrew. And some batteries. These easily accessible items will help make your move easier and less stressful for everyone.

Pack an Overnight Bag


If your moving day involves traveling to your new home or staying in a hotel while your house is being packed and transported, you should ensure that you have an overnight bag containing all the items you will need. This will save you the trouble of rummaging through boxes of your belongings just to find a toothbrush or a pair of pajamas.

It’s also a good idea to pack your chargers for your cellphone, laptop and other electronics, along with any essential cords you use to charge them. This will help ensure that you’re able to stay connected with family, real estate and moving professionals and workers throughout the move. You may also want to include a sheet with contact information for your movers, realtor and utility companies in case you need to reach them on moving day or in the days immediately following.

Your overnight bag should also include toiletries that you use on a daily basis such as toothpaste and toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, deodorant, shaving implements and perfume. It’s also a good idea to include some medication and any other supplies that you will need on a daily basis. If you wear contacts, be sure to pack your solution and supplies.

Be sure to include a few snacks and water in your bag as well. This will help keep you hydrated and fed while you are on the go and will help prevent you from getting hungry and exhausted during the move. You should also pack a few toys and activities for your kids to keep them entertained during the move. This can include their favorite books, games and stuffed animals.

Pack Your Phone Chargers

With all of the planning and craziness that comes with moving day, it’s easy to forget a few things that will make a big difference on your first day in your new home. The last thing you want is to find yourself at your new house with a dead phone and no way to charge it! To prevent this from happening, tuck your chargers into a small bag or box that you will keep with you throughout the move.

In addition to your electronic chargers, include any other items you might need that are difficult to pack (like a pair of scissors or a gliding knife for cutting tape). Also, be sure to have an overnight bag of essentials for the evening of the move and the night after. This includes things like a change of clothes, a sleeping bag and pillows for the kids, a few snacks and beverages, a book or magazine and some personal hygiene items (like saline solution, medications, shampoo/conditioner and toothbrushes).

Finally, don’t forget your pet supplies! A bag of food, treats, water bowls and toys will help your furry friends feel less stressed during the move.

Once you’ve packed up all of your belongings into boxes, take the time to set aside any cleaning supplies that you will need to clean up after the movers leave. It’s not a good idea to try and find these items in the middle of unpacking, as they could get lost or damaged among the stacks of boxes. Having these supplies readily available will save you a lot of headache! Whether you’re doing the move yourself or hiring professionals, these tips are sure to help you stay prepared for moving day.

Pack a Corkscrew

Whether you’re planning on celebrating the start of your new life with a bottle of wine or simply enjoying a glass of vino after a long moving day, having a corkscrew is a must. A simple waiter’s corkscrew fits nicely into an apron pocket or into your purse and is easy to carry from box to box. A counter-mount or wall-mount corkscrew is also a good choice if you want to put it somewhere convenient in your new home.

When you’re packing up your things to move, make sure you include a medium-sized pot and basic kitchen supplies in a separate “first night” moving box. This will give you the ability to cook some food during your first few days in your new home and can help keep you fed as you unpack other boxes.

You may also want to consider packing a few cleaning items in your first-night box, such as paper towels, wet wipes, trash bags, rags, sponges, an all-purpose cleaner, a bucket, and a broom. This way, you’ll have the cleaning supplies necessary for giving your old home a final sweep before it gets loaded on the truck and unpacked in your new one.

Of course, you’ll also need some toiletries and bedding in your first-night box to get a decent night’s sleep and start off your new life on the right foot. It’s easily overlooked, but you don’t want to show up in your new home and have to search through multiple boxes to find your toothbrush or shampoo. So, take the time to pack these items up now and enjoy your new home as soon as possible. You’ll be glad you did.

Pack Batteries

In the midst of moving day chaos and a long to-do list, it’s easy for some of your most basic necessities to get lost in the shuffle. Having these easily overlooked essentials set aside and ready to go on your first day in your new home can make all the difference.

The last thing you want on your move-in day is to find yourself running out of clean clothes, toilet paper or batteries. Having a box dedicated to these items is the best way to avoid such scenarios. Pack a day or two’s worth of clothing for each family member, a few rolls of toilet paper, a handful of batteries and any other necessary supplies you may need to make the transition from your old home to your new one a little bit smoother.

If you’re a military household, make sure to pack any lithium batteries your electronics, cleaning devices or children’s toys use. Due to safety concerns, U.S. Transportation Command now requires military households to only pack certain sizes of lithium batteries in their moving shipments. Be sure to check the guidelines on your devices to ensure you don’t exceed the limit.

When the day is done and you’re settling into your new bedroom, you’ll want to hop right in the shower and settle down for a good night of sleep. Don’t forget to include a set of bath towels in your essentials box so you can wash off that grueling day and prepare for a restful night in bed at your new home. These are also a great addition to your boxes for storage, as they protect against moisture and pests.

Pack a Coffee Pot

The morning after your move, you’ll be tired and hungry. Pack a coffee pot, some cups, and some creamer in a small cooler. That way, you’ll be able to enjoy a cup of coffee as you survey your boxes and figure out where to begin.

It’s important to start your day off right on moving day, so make sure you have some essential supplies like a broom and dustpan, paper towels, cleaning liquid, and an all-purpose cleaner. You’ll also want to have a roll of toilet paper, and permanent markers to label your boxes. Having these items on hand will help you clean up after the movers leave, as well as keep your essentials box organized and accessible.

When packing up dishes, place at least two layers of crumpled cardboard or packing paper in the bottom of each box. Then, wrap each plate individually with a dishtowel and bubble wrap. Stuff any empty spaces in the box with more paper and then tape down the top. Clearly label the box with “this side up” and “fragile” to ensure it gets treated with care throughout the move.

By following these tips, you can avoid a lot of headaches on moving day. Don’t forget to wear comfortable clothing, stay hydrated, and have the right sized truck for your belongings. And if you hire professional movers, show them around the house before they get to work so they know which rooms are fragile and what furniture needs to be disassembled. This will save you time and money in the long run. You can also use Scotch(r) Expressions Washi Tape to label your boxes and add a little flair to the process.